In a sombre turn of events, the world of Nollywood has bid farewell to one of its seasoned gems, Dejumo Lewis, who passed away at the venerable age of 80. The curtain fell on his illustrious career, leaving behind a legacy that resonates through the annals of Nigerian cinema.
The news of Lewis’s passing was solemnly delivered to the public by fellow actor Saidi Balogun through a poignant Instagram post on a Saturday. Accompanied by a photo capturing the essence of the late veteran, Balogun’s message resonated with heartfelt sorrow: “Good night DEJUMO LEWIS, may your soul rest in perfect peace. RIP.”
The announcement triggered an outpouring of condolences from fans, fellow actors, and actresses, creating a digital space where shared grief intertwined with fond memories of Lewis’s impactful contributions to the world of entertainment. Despite the overwhelming expressions of sympathy, the precise circumstances surrounding Lewis’s departure remain shrouded in mystery, leaving admirers in a state of solemn reflection.
Dejumo Lewis etched his name in the annals of Nigerian cinema as a distinguished actor with a prolific career spanning both film and television. His claim to fame was the iconic portrayal of Kabiyesi in “The Village Headmaster,” a groundbreaking soap opera that graced the screens of the Nigerian Television Authority (NTA) from 1968 to 1988. The show, starring luminaries like Justus Esiri and Femi Robinson, etched itself into the cultural fabric of the nation.
Beyond the small screen, Lewis left an indelible mark on the big screen with memorable performances in acclaimed films such as “A Place in the Stars” (2014), “Crossroads” (2020), and “Power of 1” (2018). Each role served as a testament to his versatility and commitment to the craft, solidifying his status as a stalwart in the ever-evolving landscape of Nigerian cinema.
As the industry mourns the loss of a true luminary, Dejumo Lewis’s legacy lives on in the hearts of those who cherished his work. His journey through the realms of storytelling and character portrayal stands as a timeless testament to the enduring power of art to transcend generations, leaving behind a poignant narrative that echoes in the corridors of Nollywood’s history.